Tumbler machine

The machine is designed for surfacing of concrete paving blocks in order to achieve the appearance of worn paving stones, so called vintage pavement effect.


Easy to use, mobile and cheap to run

Tumbler machine is a machine in the group of product finishing machines. The main component of the machine is a rotating drum, in which the products are placed. During the processing process, the edges of the products are broken on their outer surfaces and marks are formed, imitating the natural wear of many years.


More profit on high-margin products

After processing in the machine we get the effect of a long-used and aged product, such as old brick or old paving. Such a product is an ideal choice for facades, as well as building blocks for landscaping elements in the garden.


See the video „Block Tumbling Line”



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Technical data
  • Expanding product portfolio,
  • Production of decorative garden infrastructure elements,
  • Fashionable, irregular effect for elements made of concrete,
  • Allows to achieve the effect of so-called old brick and old pavement,
  • Creating fashionable and high-margin products such as rustic bricks.
Installed power:
Dimensions of the drum
Tumbler machine
5,5 kW
6 120 x 1 770 x 3330 (lenght. x width . x height.)
3300 kg

Real photos
